Two Month Onsite Local Ecommerce Course Outline With EC

Two Month Course (Onsite Training):

  • Local Ecommerce in Detail: 5 classes
  • Digital Marketing & SEO: 5 classes
  • Shopify and Web Development: 2 classes
  • Sourcing of Local Inventory: 2 class
  • Graphic Designing: 2 Classes
  • Total: 16 classes (2 classes per week)
  • Fees - 45,000/- 



Class 1: Introduction to Local E-commerce:

  • Understanding the concept of local e-commerce
  • Exploring the benefits and opportunities of local e-commerce
  • Differentiating local e-commerce from global e-commerce
  • Examining the current landscape of local e-commerce
  • Identifying key trends and consumer behavior in local markets

Class 2: Identifying Your Local Market and Target Audience:

  • Conducting market research for local e-commerce
  • Segmenting and profiling your target audience
  • Analyzing local market trends, preferences, and demands
  • Assessing competition in the local e-commerce space
  • Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in your target market

Class 3: Choosing the Right Product for Local E-commerce:

  • Evaluating product suitability for the local market
  • Identifying popular and in-demand products locally
  • Assessing profit margins, pricing strategies, and competition
  • Sourcing products locally or adapting existing products for the local market
  • Considering cultural, social, and regional factors when selecting products

Class 4: Setting up an Online Store for Local Customers:

  • Selecting the right e-commerce platform for local e-commerce
  • Creating a user-friendly and visually appealing online store
  • Optimizing product listings and descriptions for local customers
  • Implementing secure payment gateways and local payment options
  • Ensuring compliance with local data protection and privacy regulations

Class 5: Building Customer Trust and Reviews:

  • Establishing trust and credibility with local customers
  • Implementing customer reviews and testimonials on your website
  • Encouraging positive customer feedback and ratings
  • Addressing negative reviews and managing customer complaints
  • Leveraging social proof and customer testimonials to boost sales

Extra Class : Analyzing and Optimizing Local E-commerce Performance:

  • Setting up key performance indicators (KPIs) for local e-commerce
  • Monitoring website traffic, conversion rates, and sales metrics
  • Utilizing web analytics tools to gather insights and make data-driven decisions
  • Conducting A/B testing and optimizing website elements for better performance
  • Implementing strategies for continuous improvement and growth in local e-commerce



    Class 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing:

    • Understanding the role and importance of digital marketing
    • Exploring the digital marketing landscape and channels
    • Differentiating between traditional marketing and digital marketing
    • Identifying key digital marketing trends and opportunities
    • Overview of the digital marketing funnel and customer journey

    Class 2: Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy:

    • Defining goals and objectives for digital marketing campaigns
    • Conducting market research and identifying target audience
    • Creating buyer personas and understanding their needs
    • Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) marketing goals
    • Creating a digital marketing plan and budget allocation

    Class 3: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Local E-commerce:

    • Understanding the basics of search engine optimization (SEO)
    • Conducting keyword research for local e-commerce
    • Optimizing website structure, URLs, and meta tags
    • Creating quality content and optimizing product descriptions
    • Building high-quality backlinks and improving local search visibility

    Class 4: Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising for Local E-commerce:

    • Introduction to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms
    • Creating effective PPC campaigns for local e-commerce
    • Keyword selection and bidding strategies
    • Writing compelling ad copy and calls-to-action (CTAs)
    • Tracking and optimizing PPC campaigns for better ROI

    Class 5: Social Media Marketing for Local E-commerce:

    • Leveraging social media platforms for local e-commerce
    • Identifying suitable social media channels for your target audience
    • Creating engaging social media content and visuals
    • Utilizing social media advertising and targeting options
    • Monitoring and measuring social media marketing effectiveness

    Extra Class : Email Marketing and Customer Retention:

    • Building an email marketing list for local e-commerce
    • Creating effective email marketing campaigns and automation sequences
    • Personalizing emails for better engagement and conversions
    • Implementing customer retention strategies and loyalty programs
    • Analyzing email marketing metrics and optimizing campaigns



      Class 1: Introduction to Shopify and Web Development:

      1. Overview of ecommerce and the importance of web development
      2. Understanding the basics of Shopify platform and its features
      3. Setting up a Shopify store and customizing it for branding
      4. Adding products, categories and creating a product listing page
      5. Understanding Shopify payment gateway and shipping options

      Class 2: Advanced Shopify and Web Development Techniques:

      1. Customizing the Shopify checkout process and creating an order management system
      2. Adding and managing third-party apps in Shopify
      3. Developing custom themes and templates using Liquid
      4. Integrating Shopify with other platforms using APIs
      5. Best practices for optimizing website performance and improving user experience



      Class 1: Introduction to Sourcing and Local Inventory Management:

      1. Overview of sourcing and the importance of local inventory management
      2. Understanding different types of sourcing and inventory management methods
      3. Identifying the best sources for products and materials
      4. Creating a sourcing plan and setting up a local inventory management system
      5. Evaluating suppliers and negotiating contracts

      Class 2: Advanced Sourcing and Local Inventory Management Techniques:

      1. Managing local inventory levels and ensuring accuracy of data
      2. Integrating sourcing and inventory management with other business processes
      3. Implementing inventory optimization techniques
      4. Using technology for inventory management and tracking
      5. Managing and reducing inventory costs and improving cash flow



      Class 1: Fundamentals of Graphic Design for E-commerce:

      1. Introduction to Graphic Design

        • Definition and scope of graphic design
        • The role of graphic design in e-commerce and digital marketing
      2. Understanding Design Elements and Principles

        • Exploring visual elements (color, typography, imagery, etc.)
        • Learning design principles (balance, contrast, alignment, etc.)
      3. Tools and Software

        • Introduction to essential graphic design software (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, etc.)
        • Setting up design workspace and tools
      4. Creating Compelling Visual Content

        • Designing eye-catching social media graphics and banners
        • Developing product images and mockups for e-commerce websites
        • Crafting engaging email marketing visuals
      5. Designing for User Experience

        • Incorporating UX/UI principles in design
        • Designing user-friendly website elements and navigation
      6. Assignment and Hands-On Practice

        • Students create their own e-commerce-related design project

      Class 2: Advanced Graphic Design Techniques for Digital Marketing:

      1. Advanced Typography and Layout

        • Typography best practices for digital marketing
        • Creating visually appealing layouts for advertisements and websites
      2. Responsive Design

        • Designing graphics and images that adapt to different devices and screen sizes
        • Ensuring mobile-friendly visual content
      3. Visual Storytelling

        • The power of storytelling through design
        • Designing infographics and visual narratives for marketing campaigns
      4. Designing for Social Media

        • Customizing visuals for various social media platforms
        • Strategies for effective social media branding
      5. Interactive Design

        • Creating interactive and engaging content (e.g., interactive infographics)
        • Implementing multimedia elements in digital marketing
      6. Portfolio Building and Final Projects

        • Reviewing and enhancing students' design portfolios
        • Presentation of final design projects related to e-commerce and digital marketing.



      Week Friday Saturday
      1 Local E-commerce in Detail (1) Local E-commerce in Detail (2)
      2 Local E-commerce in Detail (3) Local E-commerce in Detail (4)
      3 Local E-commerce in Detail (5) Digital Marketing (1)
      4 Digital Marketing (2) Digital Marketing (3)
      5 Digital Marketing (4) Digital Marketing (5)
      6 Sourcing of Local Inventory (1) Sourcing of Local Inventory (2)
      7 Shopify and Web Development (1) Shopify and Web Development (2)
      8 Graphic Designing (1) Graphic Designing (2)

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