Learn Local Ecommerce in Pakistan Episode 5

Learn Local Ecommerce in Pakistan - Podcast Ep 5 - Syed Kashif CEO Dankash:
This podcast is about success and how to learn about local e-commerce in Pakistan. If you want to start your online business in Pakistan and looking for valuable knowledge, then this podcast is for you. This podcast will explain how one can start an online business in Pakistan and highlights the success stories of Ecommerce in Pakistan. You can easily learn about local e-commerce in Pakistan through this podcast. The first guest here was Syed Kashif CEO Dankash, Dankash is giving a lot of e-commerce and other freelancing training in Pakistan.
Dankash CEO Syed Kashif explained how women get empowerment through local e-commerce in Pakistan. How one can flourish in the field of e-commerce in Pakistan.
Omer mubeen on other hand expressed the success stories of e-commerce in Pakistan. How brands are succeeding in local commerce and others are failing in international e-commerce, particularly at amazon selling from Pakistan.
Zakria Fawad explained how e-commerce platforms can get benefits through soft skills. What is the role of language in the success of eCommerce in Pakistan.
Haider Ahmed Qazi played a successful moderator role and ask valid questions about how important are few things and basis to make an e-commerce in Pakistan. #ecommerce #localecommerce #EcommerceinPakistan #AmazonEcommerce #amazon #SyedKashif #dankashsuccess #Zakria #omermubeen