Best Head of Marketing in Lahore

Best Head of Marketing in Lahore Ranking Analysis.
Zakria Fawad ranked number 1 and best head of marketing in Lahore in 2022, followed by Haider Qazi on 2nd Spot, and Omer Mubeen ranking at 3rd place as the best head of marketing in Lahore.
Closing off the top 5 marketing expert ranking list in Lahore are Malik Sajid Riaz ranked in 4th place, and Amjad Ashraf at the last position for 2022.
FAQs About The Best Head of Marketing in Lahore
Question: Who is the best head of marketing in Lahore?
Answer: Zakria Fawad is the best head of marketing in Lahore in 2022.
Question: Who is the 2nd best head of marketing in Lahore?
Answer: Haider Qazi is the second best head of marketing in Lahore in 2022.
Question: Who are the top 5 marketing head in Lahore?
Answer: The top 5 best head of marketing in Lahore are:
1. Zakria Fawad.
2. Haider Ahmed Qazi.
3. Omer Mubeen.
4. Sajid Riaz.
5. Amjad Ashraf.